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No New Posts Leader's Den

A gap under the Sunledge leads to a nice area lined with moss where the leader of LightClan sleeps. It is located at a place where all Clan cats have easy access to find him whenever necessary.

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No New Posts Medicine Cat Den

There is a trickling stream on the side of the medicine den where large clumps of lavenders and poppies grow. This is makes the area for a medicine den extremely convienent. Low-hanging willows shelter the entrance of the den, and moss and feather beddings line the ground inside.

1 8 His Injury
by Swifty
Apr 17, 2009 7:00:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Warriors' Den - 1 Viewing

This is where the protectors of the Clan sleep. Their den is the largest, with a hollowed out area and thick brambles on top proves to be a good and safe shelter.

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No New Posts Apprentices' Den - 1 Viewing

On the other side of the nursery, a rocky den makes up the apprentices' den. Although it might not be as sheltered, apprentices gather bundles of moss to patch up the cracks when they are cold.

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No New Posts The Nursery - 1 Viewing

New kits to LightClan start out their lives here, rasied in the comfort of moss bedding and warmth. The den is located close to the medicine cat den so if any help is needed, the medicine cat can help quickly.

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No New Posts Elders' Den

The Elders' Den is located on the far side of the camp, but it is very well secluded. An outcrop of rocks shelter the den well, and the moss and twigs help insulte the heat during the cold seasons.

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LightClan Camp

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling DarkClan Invasion
[darky] 17 587 by Swifty
May 1, 2009 18:13:15 GMT -5


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LightClan Camp
Welcome to LightClan territory. The cats of Lightclan are very sharp-witted. They live on the side of the mountain where the sun shines the brightest each day, making the thick soft snow sparkle. LightClan cats are skillful swimmers and are known for their beautiful sleek fur. They depend on their battle stratigies to win, because LightClan cats are naturally very clever. To pass the time after a day's hunting and patrolling, they love to sunbathe on the smooth rocks around their camp, and they also enjoy sliding down the snowy hills.
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